
Showing posts from September, 2021

Entry #2. The Life of Pets.

Dogs, cats, snakes, bunnies, birds, fish, all of which make great pets! Most households in the U.S. have at least one pet, not a shocker right?!  Although having a pet can be super fun and cool, having a pet also comes with lots of responsibilities which can be very time consuming and tiring. You have to wash pets and keep them clean, feed them, make sure they have good hygiene, keep them healthy, and of course spend time with them. It all sounds like a lot of work and in reality it is a lot of work, which is why many people choose to simply just not do those things. It's sad to think that not all pets in the world are appreciated and loved. Sure, pets can be a real handful sometimes but just think about all of things that they do for us.  Have you ever thought about all the things that they provide us with? For example, owning a pet gives the perfect opportunity to increase fitness by getting outside, exercising, and socializing. Doesn't that sound great!?  Not to mentio...

Entry #1. Blogs.

       There are many different types of blogs out there, with even more different categories of topics, and each one has their own unique purpose. Blogs give the perfect opportunity for a person to share information, their experiences, ideas, and thoughts creatively with complete strangers! But after spending some time reading and discovering a few blogs on my own I came to the realization that each blog has it's own intended audience. With that being said, not all of them will spark your interest. Here's a few examples below.  The fist blog that I came across was one on I read a blog titled "How to Calculate Your SEO ROI Using Google Analytics". I have to say that this one was my least favorite. It was more informative and a bit more professional. The only pictures that they had were informative charts. At least it was organized! Overall, the blog was just very plain and boring. But like I said before, not each one will spark your interest. Here's the...

Blog #0, Greetings!

Hello there, my name is Isabel! I am 18 years old and I was born and raised in Phoenix,AZ. It is my first year of college this year and I am attending GCC in hopes that one day I become a very successful nurse. That is my goal for my future, as well as to be able to travel the world!,Greece&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS935US935&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwijvcXRsOLyAhWKvZ4KHa78AXsQ_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=1366&bih=568  is one of the many places that I dream of traveling to. Although I spend most of my time working, my hobbies consist of drawing, painting, listening to music, and watching some of my favorite TV shows. The picture below is an example of what I like to paint. I enjoy the outdoors/nature and I love eating and trying new foods, but one of my biggest pet peeves is when people chew with their mouth open. I love spending time with my family, friends, and my boyfriend, not to mention my adorable dog and her newborn...